Who I am and why I’m here


I’m Wil. I used to do drugs, now I drink tea. I involve myself with social justice issues and non-profit work. I love adventures and trying new things. Also seeking enlightenment.

I am here to express myself as an attempt at contributing to human thought and my own enrichment.

I am publishing online, rather than just keeping a journal because a journal won’t affect much by itself. Online, I can hopefully enrich others’ lives, and allow others to give me perspective.

I would like to write about things from my own life that could be helpful to others, and I would love to connect with people who work, or would like to work toward general personal and world betterment. I really hope this blog and the people I may meet through it can have some positive effect on the state of the world.



13 thoughts on “Who I am and why I’m here

  1. Good luck with the blog. I notice the share buttons and like buttons are only visible if I hit the “comments” line. Maybe it is the Word Press theme you are using, but the buttons are used more when visible at the end of an article. I actually changed themes to get the format where I liked it. You deserve to be more visible and easy to share, imho.

    Liked by 2 people

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